Middle East Scavenger Hunt


Michelle Abel
Making Most of the Internet
34T02 Assignment #4:
Online Scavenger Hunt


infoplease: This website will inform you to explore the geography of the Middle East. You will discover what countries make up the Middle East and where they are located by clicking on the interactive map.


1. Fill in your individual Middle East map by clicking on the link below.


YOUTUBE Video: This video clip will provide you with the sites and sounds of all the different parts of the Middle East.


1) List 8-10 elements of culture depicted in the video. 

2) List 5 examples of geography that you observed. 

3) What surprised you about the Middle East? Explain. 

4) Which elements of culture interested you most and why? 

5) List 2 examples of cultural diffusion that was depicted in the video.  


 Junior Scholastic Video: This video summarizes the history, geography, and religion of the Middle East.


1) Why is the Middle East in the news so often? 

2) Describe the weather in the Middle East. 

3) What unique landform exists in the Middle East?  

4) What firsts in world history occurred in the Middle East? 

5) The Middle East is the birthplace of what 3 religions? 

6) How did the Middle East get its name? 

7) What natural resource makes the Middle East so important? 

8) What is the most widely practice religion in the Middle East? 

9) What are the people called that practice this religion? 

10) What are people who live in countries in the Middle East demanding more and more of?  


Games for Review

Test your knowledge of the Middle East by playing this Middle East map game.



Another round of Middle East games.
